
Stuttgarter Torwartschule Renato Buntić

Torwart-Technik DVD, Torwarttraining Stuttgarter Torwartschule

NEW! ***

D V D 2 - Available since May 2011 (German language)
Link: DVD Goalkeeper´s Training 2


DVD - Techniques for Goalkeeper´s Training

for young and expierenced goalkeeper´s

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Starting with the lowest, amateur rank up to the professional level, there is a constant need for a specialized education of football goalkeepers.
A special understanding by the coaches and clubs is required so as to understand that a special training for this position is necessary.
The purpose of this video is to show all specific techniques of the goalkeeper's training. All the essential goalkeeper's techniques will be shown step by step in theory as well as in practice in the same way as in our ordinary teaching procedure, in the weekly training procedure, as well as in two-day camps.
Your stuttgarter– for football goalkeepers.

DVD Info

Duration ca. 50 min * Dolby Digital AC3 * Picture format:  16:9 - 1,422

Chapter -DVD Video:

    1. Warming up with the ball
    2. Coordination with the ball
    3. Coordination movements in the goal
    4. Technique - low balls
    5. Technique - mid-range balls
    6. Technique - high balls (Parrying)
    7. Technique - crossover

  • Languages: German, English, Croatian
  • DVD-price: 19,90 €
  • Shipping 1: 2,00 € (Germany)
  • Shipping 2: 10,00 € (Europe)
  • Payment options: In advance (We send invoice by Email)
  • Delivery: We send package 1-2 days after paying.

incl. 19% Tax (MwSt) excl. Shipping costs

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Renato Buntic * Jasminweg 5 * D-70597 Stuttgart-Germany. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Die Ware bleibt unser Eigentum bis alle Forderungen beglichen sind. Gerichtsstand: Stuttgart

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Copyright © 2006.- 2011. Renato Buntic | Updated: 14.05.11.
